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VIP Years & Years Tickets Hospitality Packages - Arena Birmingham Ltd are delighted to be able to offer Years & Years Tickets and Hospitality Packages for the Years & Years concert at The Arena Birmingham (Formerly Barclaycard Arena & NIA), Birmingham.
As Years & Years prepare to release their hotly anticipated second album ‘Palo Santo’ on 6 July, they have announced their biggest ever UK and European run of tour dates which includes massive shows at The Arena Birmingham and The O2 in November and December 2018.
The last few months have seen Years & Years once again rise to the very forefront of British pop. With current single ‘If You’re Over Me’ currently continuing its thrilling ascent up the charts, the Olly-Alexander-fronted trio have never felt so unstoppable. Last week alone they played a dazzling set at Capital’s Summertime Ball, premiered their short film ‘Palo Santo’ at BAFTA, and performed ‘If You’re Over Me’ on Graham Norton.
It’s no surprise then that today the band have announced an arena tour of the UK in November alongside an equally impressive string of European tour dates for early 2019. Years & Years will bring their very own, self-created, fascinating world of ‘Palo Santo’ properly to life at Glasgow’s Hydro SSE Arena on the 28th November and reach London’s prestigious O2 Arena on the 5th December. The band will then start 2019 with a run of great headline shows in Europe.
‘Palo Santo’ – the band’s glorious second album – will be released on July 6th. Always band intuitively connected to great, homespun British pop classicism, ‘Palo Santo’ is an album that confirms Years & Years’ ascension to the world stage. At the core of it all is Olly Alexander, a once-in-a-generation front-man who understands more than most his responsibility as a pop star. His personal leap forward in scope and ambition is reflected in the album’s colorful mix of collaborators, which range from Kid Harpoon, Greg Kurstin, Julia Michaels and Justin Trantor to Steve Mac, Jessie Shatkin and Sarah Hudson. On ‘Palo Santo’, and indeed in their highly celebrated live show, Years & Years’ impact on pop feels truly tribal, one in which the minority is always the majority, and everyone is welcome.
Years & Years Premium Hospitality packages include;
- Excellent Years & Years reserved seat ticket
- Years & Years on-site car parking pass
- Dedicated Hospitality Entrance
- VIP Check In
- Pre-show and interval access to a private lounge within the Arena Birmingham
- Three complimentary drinks per person (beer, wine or soft drinks)
- Two course dinner
- Cloakroom facility
- Interval Drinks Ordering Service
- Cloakroom and toilet facilities.
Years & Years Tickets Hospitality Packages - Premium Package Cost: £130
Prices are per person and subject to vat
Years & Years Paramount Hospitality packages include;
- Category A reserved Years & Years seat ticket
- Years & Years on-site car parking pass
- Dedicated Hospitality Entrance
- VIP Check In
- Pre-Show, Interval and Post-Show Access to Private Restaurant within the Arena Birmingham
- A welcome glass of Champagne upon arrival
- Four course dinner prior to the Show
- Complimentary beers, wines and soft drinks (before and after the Show)
- Full table service
- Dedicated Cloakroom and toilet facilities.
Years & Years Tickets Hospitality Packages - Paramount Package Cost: Not available for this Show
Prices are per person and subject to vat
Years & Years at The O2 Arena, 5th December 2018
Superb VIP tickets for The O2 available NOW. Click Years & Years, The O2 - Enquire for details
Years & Years IMDB
Years & Years tickets hospitality packages available NOW.