VIP Sporting Dinners Alastair Cook and Geoff Miller
Balls Brothers, Minster Exchange, City of London
Wednesday 18th July 2018
An Evening with Cook and Miller, Alastair Cook and Geoff Miller talking all things England cricket
Tables are available on a first come first served basis.
Tables of 10 @ £750 plus VAT to include 3 course dinner.
Sporting Dinners Sample Menu
- Glenarm Smoked Salmon with capers and buttered wholegrain bread
- Sirloin Steak with Chips, vine roasted Tomatoes and a peppercorn sauce
- Cheese Platters, fruit chutney and Biscuits
- Coffee and Petit-Fours
Tables of 10 @ at £750 plus VAT and are available on a first come first served basis.
Sporting Dinners Alastair Cook and Geoff Miller